
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Come and Knock On My Doooooooooooooooooor.....

The title is my shout out to Three's Company because...........

I have a front door!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that wasn't all!!

Looks like they're ready to put on roof shingles because they're all stacked nicely just ready to become my roof for the next few years of my life. If you look closely, you can also see that the garage door to the house is also on now, which is great news.

From what some of my neighbours tell me, the venting and plumbing is starting to go in and they've actually started putting on the roof shingles since this picture was taken earlier this week. WAAAAAAHOO!! Only two more months to go and it looks like everything is going along swimmingly. This is great!! I'll keep you all posted..


  1. Congrats for sure
    (And thanks to you, I'm not humming the theme to Three's Company, quietly though so no one will hear me)

  2. LOL!! Thanks guys!! And Nessie, I was doing the same thing right after I wrote the title so I don't blame you in the least!
